
Showing posts from July, 2013

The Opportunities you are loosing from not know the difference between MARKETING and UX (User Experience)

Marketing and UX together make your company boom and optimize your product, service and sales exponentially. How? Marketing research determines who is the user and look for way to sell more to these users . Marketing hopes the user is satisfied enough to come back for more, but as long as sales people sell (even if they sell for the lack of better solutions in the market) everything seems to be ok. What sales people do not realize in this case is that the customer might not be ok, they user the service or product just for lack of better solutions and will jump to the first provider that can serve them better as soon as the market presents to them.  Marketing is worried about how to sell, to whom, who are the average customers, how much of the market share we have, benchmark competitors and so on. UX in the other hand   focuses on research what motivates the same marketing user to use and continue to do business with us taking care to let the customer so addicted to our pro

What is UX Design? Why it is so important?

User Experience reside in the intersection between business needs and user needs This video in youtube tells visually what sometime is hard to explain in words.

Why UX is neglected and its consequences for your business!

This article was the result a response to an article I have published in a LinkedIn group I belong Linked In Front End Developers group User Experience is the heart for any product or service because without a customer to purchase the product or service nobody will manufacture or build a product or service in the first place. This is a fact but it does not mean that clean code and security is less important.  E-commerce example from a security perspective Let's imagine that a customer have an e-commerce site that is the most easy to use and to make customers purchase a breeze, and it has the best conversion rate possible, but it has a terrible security and the site constantly breaks?  How long do you think the e-commerce owner is going to keep in business that way if his customers do not trust to use his wonderful easy to use e-commerce? Not for long however in this case the reason is clear - everybody knows that the problem is in the security and that the code prob

Do you want to know what happens when User Experience is not taken into account?

Here is a youtube video where Ozzy literally fights with the custom tv-house control remote while the developers think it is the easiest product ever. Here you can see how important to pay attention to UX before build any software or physical product.

Infographic - Mobile Video, Content Publishers and Operators by Skyfire

"It's helpful to ask who has the most skin in the game when it comes to solving the congestion caused by rapidly-increasing video traffic on mobile networks: the content publishers who are pushing high-bandwidth video out? Or the mobile operators themselves, whose users instinctively blame them when video fails to start, or buffers and stops?"