REAL USABILITY MATTERS - Usability is one of the single most important thing you can do to ensure success and money.
Any design should have the user in mind, however when we talk about small screens this is a must.
The Google presentations What is a mobile site and why do you need one? try to give business people and even developers the awareness that mobile sites nowadays is a must - but if they are build without the user in mind there is not use to have it. Their case studies are interesting.
Mobile-friendly web apps help businesses:
- To connect with their customers
- Increase Revenues
- Reduce Costs because when sites are optimised and user-friendly you give your customers means to get what they want instead of wonder around, get tired and go to your competitor.
The catch is that the only way to accomplish that is to invest in Usability.
- Improved usability makes you INCREASE YOUR MARKET SHARE - the like effect - word of mouth.
- Increase business from existing customers - when you reaaaaaaly like to use something you recommend it.
- Improve shareholder value - the more your brand goes up the more it values.
- Understand your customers and what they want from your site.
- Do Empirical measure - this is not demo measure, it is actually putting real people to use your site and give feedback to you.
- Iteractive Design - design problem must be fixed and continuing production empirical measure should be done to ensure that usability objectives are met.
The big question here is do you want succeed or let your competitor ruin your company?
Thing about the answer and take measures to ensure that you succeed by focusing on USABILITY.
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